Portuguese National Electron Microscopy Network


Ultra-high resolution field-emission Scanning Electron Microscope, with integrated microanalysis X-ray system (EDS - energy dispersive spectrometer) and Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD)


Type of analysis:

The microscope allows the analysis of conductive, semiconductive and nonconductive samples including any type of polymer, metal, ceramic or organic material.

This ultra-high resolution microscope (<1.8 nm both at high and low vacuum) is particularly developed for the study and characterization of nanomaterials such as: diamond coatings, thin films; carbon nanotubes, nanoparticles, semiconductors, polymers, porous materials, glass substrates, organic materials, among others.

Additionally, the Nova NanoSEM 200 possess unique ultra-high resolution characterization capabilities in low vacuum, an environment that suppresses the charge on non-conducting materials or components and cancels self-contamination of the sample or contamination induced by the electron beam. Thus, it is especially designed for the analysis of charged and/or contaminated samples. This charge elimination also removes the need for applying conductive coatings that can obscure the image details and interfere with the compositional analysis.

With the integrated X-ray microanalysis (EDS) and the electron backscatter diffraction pattern detection and analysis system (EBSD), it is possible to perform acquisition and analysis of X-ray spectra from B to U. Additionally, we can obtain X-ray profiles maps by elements and perform sequence analysis of particles and regions in a sample. The EBSD system, allows the record and analysis of the backscattered electron diffraction patterns in a point or in a specific region of the sample.


Technical Specifications:

Integrated system (EDS - energy dispersive spectrometer /EBSD - Electron Backscatter Diffraction), EDAX- Pegasus X4M

High vacuum resolution

Low vacuum resolution

Electron beam resolution

Beam landing energy: 200V to 30 kV

High stability Schottky field emission gun with automatic operation

Probe current: 0.3 pA to 22 nA, continuously adjustable

Chamber vacuum (high vacuum): <10-4 mBar

Chamber vacuum (low vacuum): <2 mBar




Image processor resolution:

Pattern processor resolution:

Operation control:


Integrated Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) and Electron Backscatter Diffraction pattern (EBSD), EDAX- Pegasus X4M


 EDS Specifications


EBSD Specifications




The Managing and Financing Entity of the National Scientific Re-equipment Program(PNRC):
FCTFCT - Foundation for Science and Technology
Project REDE/1511/RME/2005


NanoSEM -  FEI Nova 200 (FEG/SEM); EDAX - Pegasus X4M (EDS/EBSD)






    Service rates




