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SEMAT/UM Service Regulations



Scope of services

The laboratory for Materials Characterization Services of the University of Minho (SEMAT/UM) is a unit that provides technical and scientific services in the field of Materials Science and Technology. SEMAT/UM provides services in materials science characterization for Universities, Laboratories and Research Centers, Private and Public Companies, among other organizations

The use of SEMAT/UM services implies the acceptance of the Service Regulations, as well as the specific rules for the use of each equipment. The minimum usage time for each reservation is 1 hour.

In order to make a reservation for analytic services the user must download the following file and send it to SEMAT/UM: 

Service analysis form  (English) / Service analysis form (Portuguese)



Service categories

The services for materials characterization and technical training provided by SEMAT/UM will configure one of the following categories:


Corresponds to a short-term service, involving the preparation and/or characterization of a set of samples.

Corresponds to services provided under a service agreement that may involve:

o        the allocation of time for equipment use and/or analytical services;

o        the preparation and/or analysis of samples in special conditions;

o        the training of researchers/technicians to autonomously use SEMAT/UM equipment.


This type of agreement, in addition to other conditions, will comply with the following requirements:

o        SEMAT/UM must ensure the technical conditions to perform the agreed services within the agreed period of time;

o        the service contracts made by SEMAT/UM must take in account possible updates on the price rates.

SEMAT/UM may promote or collaborate on activities like exploratory testing, training, study tours, science outreach,...



Types of services provided by SEMAT/UM


The cost of materials characterization services are based on a Price List, in unit costs, approved annually by the Steering Committee, considering four types of customers:

A - Research Centres associated to SEMAT/UM;

B - Other users from the University of Minho;

C - Units from Universities, Research Centres and High Level Public Institutes;

D - University/Industry interface units, services to industry through the University Laboratories, services to private Universities and High Level Institutes, industry and other public or private institutions.


The services provided to organizations of type D, when extended in time or taking the form of an order, may be subject to a service agreement on terms to be negotiated.

The Steering Committee will set the price of tuition fee of the training actions, as well as for any other services not foreseen on the regulation.




The Steering Committee shall establish rules for early booking and the direct use of laboratories and equipment by researchers that already have SEMAT/UM credential for autonomous use.

Reservations are made by using the Service analysis form available on the SEMAT/UM web page.

The accreditation of external users as autonomous users will be the responsibility of the SEMAT/UM technician, once heard the equipment's scientific consultant.

The agreements or contracts made by SEMAT/UM must promote the efficient use and profitability of existing resources, but cannot compromise its use by other organizations, with priority for research centres associated with SEMAT/UM, and must insure their availability within a reasonable time.




SEMAT/UM ensures the confidentiality of any data or information about the experimental work done under its responsibility.








    Service rates




